Let's Talk Male Fertility

When someone thinks of infertility, the focus tends to go on the woman. But did you know that 40-50% of fertility problems are due to male factor infertility? According to The National Library of Medicine; “Infertility and problems of impaired fecundity have been a concern through ages and is also a significant clinical problem today, which affects 8–12% of couples worldwide. Of all infertility cases, approximately 40–50% is due to “male factor” infertility and as many as 2% of all men will exhibit suboptimal sperm parameters. It may be one or a combination of low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology.” (1) We have to look at all aspects and all parties involved.

For more insight into the decline of male fertility, there is a must-read book,”Countdown - How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race.” Things like stress, environmental issues, and toxins play a huge part in the decline.

Because we had so much success with our best selling Seedlyfe Female Fertility Blend; which to date, has helped hundred of women become pregnant, we wanted to help the fellas out too. Especially now knowing what we do about male fertility and seeing those rates decline! We created this delicious tasting, cutting-edge blend to mix into any smoothie of choice. We use only the highest-quality ingredients that naturally support the male reproductive system.

Here are a few of the many few key ingredients:

Ginseng: to protect sperm, increase sperm count, reduce sperm death, abnormalities and resume sperm motility

Shilajit : increases sperm count, boosts libido , vigor, endurance

Ashwaganda : combats stress, increases sperm count and motility

Maca: increases sperm count and volume, enhances sex drive, endurance and stamina

Co Q10 - helps improve sperm movement


Also, here are a few tips for any couples trying to conceive! You should AVOID:

– Smoking (including smoking pot)

– Drugs and alcohol as they dramatically decrease sperm count and mobility

– Cut back on caffeine

– Avoid tight underwear, wear boxers instead

– No hot tubs or super hot baths

– Stay off or limit your time on the bike

– Avoid excessive stress (exercise, do yoga, meditate, or find something to help manage your stress)

– Limit your exposure to environmental hazards such as pesticides, heavy metals and mercury 

Our Seedlyfe Male Fertility Smoothie Blend is available on Amazon!


(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4691969/

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